Copy / cut gusti-radzone to your server resources folder
Open server.cfg
Add gusti-radzone script with ensure gusti-radzone in server.cfg
Start server / Restart server
Open the config.lua file located in the gusti-datetime folder to configure
Config = {}
Config.CheckForUpdates = true -- Check for update available?
-- You can replace it with the mask order number that you have
Config.maskDrawable = 175
Config.NotificationMessages = {
EnteredRadZone = {text = "You entered %s", type = "info"},
LeftRadZone = {text = "You left %s", type = "error"}
Config.Zones = {
-- PolyZone (Box) = /pzcreate box
coords = vector3(194.98, -933.67, 29.69),
size = vector3(170, 170, 69),
name = "Zona Radiasi 1",
heading = 340,
debugPoly = true,
minZ = 27.69,
maxZ = 91.49,
-- Blip coords will automatically be included in PolyZone coords
color = 6,
sprite = 161,
scale = 1.3,
-- Reduced Blood %?
reducedBlood = 25,
-- Type screen effect in zone ?
screenEffect = "DMT_flight",
-- SetPedMovementClipset
movementClipset = "move_m@drunk@slightlydrunk",
-- Enable prop and change model
enableProp = true,
propModel = "sm_prop_smug_crate_s_hazard",
-- Enable ox_target
enableTarget = true,
event = "test_event_target",
icon = "fa-solid fa-circle",
label = "Example 1",
job = {"ambulance", "police"}
-- PolyZone (Box) = /pzcreate box
coords = vector3(-1108.38, 4922.09, 216.2917),
size = vector3(150, 150, 76),
name = "Zona Radiasi 2",
heading = 30,
debugPoly = false,
minZ = 167.36,
maxZ = 244.76,
-- Blip coords will automatically be included in PolyZone coords
color = 6,
sprite = 161,
scale = 1.3,
-- Reduced Blood %?
reducedBlood = 25,
-- Type screen effect in zone ?
screenEffect = "DMT_flight",
-- SetPedMovementClipset
movementClipset = "move_m@drunk@slightlydrunk",
-- Enable prop and change model
enableProp = true,
propModel = "prop_rad_waste_barrel_01",
-- Enable ox_target
enableTarget = false,
event = "",
icon = "",
label = "",
job = {""}
-- PolyZone (Box) = /pzcreate box
coords = vector3(2745.44, 1525.58, 23.4971),
size = vector3(400, 400, 69),
name = "Zona Radiasi 3",
heading = 0,
debugPoly = false,
minZ = -14.9,
maxZ = 86.3,
-- Blip coords will automatically be included in PolyZone coords
color = 6,
sprite = 161,
scale = 1.3,
-- Reduced Blood %?
reducedBlood = 25,
-- Type screen effect in zone ?
screenEffect = "DMT_flight",
-- SetPedMovementClipset
movementClipset = "move_m@drunk@moderatedrunk",
-- Enable prop and change model
enableProp = true,
propModel = "sm_prop_smug_crate_m_hazard",
-- Enable ox_target
enableTarget = false,
event = "",
icon = "",
label = "",
job = {""}
Last updated