Before running the gusti-givevehicle script, please pay attention to the dependencies section!
Config = {}
Config.CheckForUpdates = true -- check for update available?
-- Language
Config.Locale = GetConvar('esx:locale', 'en') -- en / id
-- Notification
Config.Notify = 'ox_lib' -- 'mythic_notify', 'ox_lib', 'ESX'
-- Do you want to enable a message to the player that he got a vehicle?
Config.EnableReceivingMessages = true
-- Who can access the give vehicle menu?
Config.isAdmin = {
"steam:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -- steam / license
-- looks like this: 'LLL NNN'
-- The maximum plate length is 8 chars (including spaces & symbols), don't go past it!
Config.PlateLetters = 3
Config.PlateNumbers = 3
Config.PlateUseSpace = true
-- Inserting a vehicle into owned_vehicles
Config.GiveVehicleTogarage = {
stored = 1, -- [1 = Garage] - [0 = Impound]
parking = 'VespucciBoulevard' -- Which garage do you want to save to?
-- Configuration ['ox_lib'] Dialog Input
Config.MenuGiveVehicle = {
PlayerID = {
icon = 'fas fa-clipboard-user',
required = true
VehicleModel = {
icon = 'fas fa-car',
required = true
VehiclePlate = {
icon = 'fas fa-clipboard-question',
required = false
Config.MenuDeleteVehicle = {
VehiclePlate = {
icon = 'fas fa-clipboard-question',
required = true
-- Configure Alert Dialog for Give Vehicle
Config.AlertDialogGiveVehicle = {
enable = true, -- true / false
centered = true, -- centers the dialog vertically and horizontally
cancel = true, -- displays a cancel button (ESC is still available if this is not defined)
size = 'sm', -- size?: 'xs' or 'sm' or 'md' or 'lg' or 'xl'
labels = { -- Allows you to define the displayed labels for cancel and/or confirm buttons.
confirm = 'Give Vehicle',
cancel = 'Cancel',
-- Configure Alert Dialog for Delete Vehicle
Config.AlertDialogDeleteVehicle = {
enable = true, -- true / false
centered = true, -- centers the dialog vertically and horizontally
cancel = true, -- displays a cancel button (ESC is still available if this is not defined)
size = 'sm', -- size?: 'xs' or 'sm' or 'md' or 'lg' or 'xl'
labels = { -- Allows you to define the displayed labels for cancel and/or confirm buttons.
confirm = 'Delete Vehicle',
cancel = 'Cancel',